Nameless copper lighter lift arm, 1914

Type: gasoline lighter
Year: 1914
Approximate cost: $ 15-30

Lift arm lighter, 1914 Lift arm lighter, 1914

Lift arm lighter, 1914 Lift arm lighter, 1914

Similar lighters:

  1. Mexican silver lighter lift arm, 1940
  2. Knapp lift arm, 1920
  3. Beney lift arm, 1940

01.12.2009 Tags: Categories: 1910, Untitled

5 comment (-ev)

  1. blinowww - 02.12.2009

    I like. and whence infa about the year? There is a stigma?

  2. kypexin - 02.12.2009

    In this lighter, generally no inscriptions. Just came across a fully identical with engraving 1914 :) So the approximate date.

  3. nikitin1 - 13.11.2010

    This is a modern lighter.

  4. Buffalo66 - 13.11.2010

    nikitin1 -
    This is a modern
    A odkuda infa about "modernity" lighter ??
    Ha-ha :)

  5. nikitin1 - 14.11.2010

    I have this. Called Casablanka. When the deal with that site are exhibited in the gallery.

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