Archive category «ASR»

ASR Classic, 1950

Title: ASR Classic
Type: semi-automatic desktop gasoline lighter
Material: copper, brass, rhodium-plated
Year: 1950
Country: United States
Approximate cost: $ 40-100

23.01.2010 Tags: , Categories: 1950 , ASR , USA No comments yet

ASR Ascot, 1950

Title: ASR Ascot
Type: semi-automatic petrol lighter
Material: metal (copper, chromium), mother of pearl
Year: 1950
Country: United States
Approximate cost: $ 10-30

ASR Ascot

ASR Ascot

05-12-2009 Tags: Categories: 1950 , ASR , USA No comments yet

ASR Standard, 1950

Title: ASR Standard
Type: semi-automatic petrol lighter
Year: 1950
Country: United States
Approximate cost: $ 10-30

ASR Standard ASR Standardm

28.11.2009 Tags: Categories: 1950 , ASR , USA One comment

ASR Pagoda, 1950

Title: ASR Pagoda
Type: semi-automatic petrol lighter
Material: copper, brass, plastic
Year of release: 1950
Country: United States
Approximate cost: $ 15-50

25.11.2009 Метки: , , Рубрики: 1950 , ASR , США One comment