Duralite, 1950

Manufacturer: Rayno Mfg. Co.
Title: Duralite
Type: Semi-automatic petrol lighter
Material: Aluminum
Year: 1950
Country: United States
Approximate cost: $ 15-30


Similar lighters:

  1. ASR Pagoda, 1950
  2. ASR Classic, 1950
  3. Wind Master, 1950
  4. Cygnus Penguin, 1950
  5. Evans Breeze King, 1950


3 comment (s)

  1. termit - 10.12.2010

    hmm ... I have the same one-to-one, but the inscription on the narrow side which just can not see this:
    Hollis co.
    Newark. NJ
    pat. pend

  2. Yuzer_Zyu - 19.03.2012

    cool! I like these, milled from solid pieces of metal lighters, no one sells a / cgi?

  3. Yuzer_Zyu - 26.10.2012

    and now I have this, Rope ... made in Brooklyn, New York. Incidentally maybe even just this (If it's not Vova is quite likely)

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