Gaylord Roller Lighter, 1950

Title: Gaylord Roller Lighter
Type: gasoline lighter
Material: copper, brass
Year: 1950
Country: England
Approximate cost: $ 30-50

Similar lighters:

  1. Nova liftarm, 1950
  2. Table Lighter Jumbo, 1950
  3. Table Lighter Swank, 1950
  4. Beney (?), 1930
  5. Polo liftarm, 1920

21.01.2010 Tags: Categories: 1950, Gaylord, England

4 comment (-ev)

  1. Yuriy - 21.01.2010

    I wonder how it will be Russian?! )))

  2. kypexin - 21.01.2010

    Yes, we have bellow, bellow on this ... :)

  3. JoeKilla - 18.08.2011

    It can be here this is on sale ??

  4. kypexin - 18.08.2011

    and this is not ...

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