McMurdo, 1940

Title: McMurdo
Type: gasoline lighter
Year: 1940
Country: England
Approximate cost: $ 60-200

McMurdo 1940 01

McMurdo 1940 03 McMurdo 1940 04 McMurdo 1940 05

McMurdo 1940 02

27.11.2009 Categories: 1940 , McMurdo , England

7 comment (-ev)

  1. Palladium-Joker - 29.11.2009

    Very solid lighter, nothing more

  2. yours_truly - 30.11.2009

    Of course, I probably think, but it is kind of big) or is it just a photo so it seems)

  3. blinowww - 30.11.2009

    interesting specimen. but expensive ....

  4. metsavend - 10.09.2010

    I wonder how the lid opens the wick, when the scroll wheel drive? How interlocks hropavik? And back? Do spring?

  5. kypexin - 16.09.2010

    directly connected. manual rotation in both directions.

  6. metsavend - 16.09.2010

    Does this mean that you are using a constant (same) sector of the wheel. And Kryzhko limits hod.Ne erased? Or is there even so hrapovichek worth?

  7. kypexin - 16.09.2010

    Well, eventually erased, but it's a question of decades :))

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