Beney Penge, 1940

Title: Beney Penge
Type: Semi-automatic lighter gasoline
Material: copper, brass
Year: 1940
Country: England
Approximate cost: $ 20-40

Similar lighters:

  1. Negbaur, 1940
  2. Lighter in a vehicle, Japan, 1940
  3. French table lighter, 1930
  4. L'Aquilon, 1930
  5. ASR Pagoda, 1950

08.03.2010 Tags: Categories: 1940 , Beney , England

2 comment (-ev)

  1. JoeKilla - 14.08.2011

    It has the opportunity to buy ??

  2. kypexin - 14.08.2011

    This copy is unfortunately sold out.

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