Duplex lighter, 1946

Name: Duplex
Type: gasoline lighter with two fuel tanks, two wicks and two flints
Material: Aluminum
Year: 1946
Country: England
Approximate cost: $ 50-100

Duplex lighter Duplex lighter

Duplex lighter

Duplex lighter

Similar lighters:

  1. Lighter with two flints 1946
  2. Beacon Buffalo Dub-l-ite, 1952
  3. Ronson Ramaspin, 1945-1946
  4. Windproof lighter 1940
  5. Darel, 1940

05.12.2009 Tags: Categories: 1940, Duplex, England

6 comment (-ev)

  1. AJluK - 06.08.2010

    That's what I understand a thing;)

  2. metsavend - 21.08.2010

    Like a lot of interesting things in the world!

  3. maxisimfer - 20.12.2011

    Children who have this? I can only offer an exchange - zippo jim-beam 2004 Japanese Vulcan - there is a topic on the forum

  4. kypexin - 20.12.2011

    I have :) But, alas, the exchange would not be interested in me.

  5. Atlantique - 22.10.2013

    a sale?)

  6. kypexin - 22.10.2013

    $ 100

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